About BigRio Team

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But we are proud to say that BigRio Team contributed 91 entries already.

Entries by BigRio Team

Quantum “Spooky Action at a Distance” Lands Scientists Nobel Prize in Physics

October is the month for all things spooky, so it’s no wonder that The 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to three scientists whose work provided the groundbreaking “spooky at a distance” relationship in quantum mechanics. While it is an odd phenomenon, there is nothing “supernatural” about the discovery of “spooky at a […]

The Top Seven AI Applications in Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence has been promising to revolutionize healthcare for quite some time; however, one look at any modern hospital or healthcare facility, and it is easy to see that the revolution is already here. In almost every patient touchpoint AI is already having an enormous impact on changing the way healthcare is delivered, streamlining operations, […]